Welcome to the Portland Porpoise Swim Club. Celebrating 35 years of swimming in Southern Maine!



Pay in Full

(Sept- July)

2 Payments:

School + Summer

2 Payments:

Short + Full Long Course


# of Payments





Payment Dates






1st of Month




































*Membership dues are non-refundable. 

* White, Aqua & Blue swimmers can opt out of summer or entire long course season with a withdrawal form and would not incur this second payment. 

FInancial Commitment

Registration with the Black and Senior groups includes a commitment to pay for the entire swim season (Sept- end of July) regardless of payment option selected and swimmer participation.  


White, Aqua and Blue groups can withdraw from the team at any point in the year by submitting a Withdrawal Form.  Unless a Withdrawal Form is submitted, swimmers will continue to be enrolled and charged until the end of the season in July. Emails to coaches or registrar do not trigger withdrawal. Withdrawal form can be found  on our team website under Our Team.


Membership dues paid are non-refundable so families are encouraged to select a payment option that works best for them.

Payment Option

# of Payments & Due Dates

White, Aqua, Blue Families- Benefits of Option

Black & Senior Swimmers Options


Yearly dues are divided in 11 payments and charged on the 1st of the month from September - July.

Best fit for families who want maximum flexibility to withdraw before the end of the short course season..

Families can use any payment method but are committed to pay all installments, regardless of swimmer participation.


2 Payment & Pay in Full options offer discounts from Monthly payment options. 

2 Payments - 

Short Course +  Long Course

Yearly membership dues are divided into two payments- one for the short course season paid on 9/1 and a second payment at the start of long course season paid on 5/1.  


Best fit for swimmers who want to swim all of short course season participation (thru late April) but may not want to swim the long course season. 


Offers a discount from monthly payment rates without a full year financial commitment.


Option to opt out of the long course season by 4/15 and not incur the second payment.

2 Payments - School Year + Summer Option

Yearly membership dues are divided into two payments- one for the short course season AND spring long course paid on 9/1 and a second payment at the start of summer long course season paid on 6/1.  

Best fit for swimmers who want to swim for the entire school year but may not want to swim during the summer. 


Deeper discount than from monthly payment rates without a full year financial commitment.


Option can opt out of the summer session by 5/15 and not incur the second payment. 

Pay In Full Option

One-time payment for the entire year (Sept-July). Paid on 9/1.  

Best fit for swimmers who are committed to swim both short and long course seasons.


Greatest discount from monthly payment rates but is a full year financial commitment.