Welcome to the Portland Porpoise Swim Club. Celebrating 35 years of swimming in Southern Maine!

PPSC Athletes’ Code of Conduct

All PPSC athletes are expected to obey all New England Swimming and USA Swimming Codes of Conduct as members of these governing organizations. Additionally, our athletes are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible fashion as outlined below.

1. Arrive at practices and meets on time and prepared to do your best.

2. Conduct yourself with honor and integrity when participating in Club activities of all kinds.

3. Wear a team suit and cap during designated competitions.

4. Respect Coaches’ and Officials’ decisions even if you disagree.

5. Practice good sportsmanship when participating in Club activities. Shake your opponents hand and smile whether you win or lose.

6. Support other swimmers both from your team and other teams. Be modest, kind, and helpful.

7. Treat visiting teams and spectators as your guests when hosting a meet. Conduct yourself properly when you are a guest at another pool or event.

8. Take responsibility for your actions and remember you are part of a team. Your actions reflect on the team as a whole.

9. Follow our Safe Sport policies.

10. Violation of the above outlined rules may result in disciplinary action such as: removal from practice followed by a mandatory meeting with coaches and parents to address the behavior in question; and suspension from the team for a period of time which could include upcoming swim meets.