Welcome to the Portland Porpoise Swim Club. Celebrating 35 years of swimming in Southern Maine!

PPSC offers three programs for swimmers. 


(1) The Intro to Swim Team program is for swimmers who are new(er) to PPSC and are interested in learning the foundations of competitive swimming. We offer Intro to Swim Team level groups for swimmers aged 5-14 years old.


(2) The Fitness & Technique program is designed for experienced competitive swimmers, aged 11 and older, who are primarily focused on participation with their middle or high school-based team. F&T swimmers are also welcome to participate in club meets. This program has less of a time commitment than our Competitive Program and is ideal for multiple sport athletes who love to swim. 


(3) The Competitive Swim program is offered for experienced club swimmers who want to engage more deeply with the sport and work towards their highest level of performance over time.   


Please see our group description & curriculum for more detailed information about these groups.

Group Name Age/ Grade Practice/Wk Duration/Practice
Intro to Swim Team
Ages 10 & U
1 30 min
Race Ready -
10 & U
1 or 2 30 min
Race Ready - 11-14
Ages 11-14
Middle School
1 hour
Fitness & Technique (for experienced swimmers)
F&T- MS Ages 11-14
Middle School
3 1 hour swim +
20 min drylands
F&T- HS Ages 14+
High School
4 1 hour swim +
20 min drylands
Competitive Swim
White K-3 3 45 min swim +
20 min drylands
Aqua K-3 3 1 hr swim +
20 min drylands
Blue 3-5 4 + STARTS 1 hr swim +
20 min drylands
Black Middle School 5 1.25 hour +
20 min drylands
Senior High School 6 1.5hour +
20 min drylands